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Talking Drawings

Talking drawings - telling stories


Thank you for visiting the website of Talking Drawings.


Do you have children or do you work with children?

Do you find it important to know what is going on in their mind?

Then you are in the right place!


There is one language in the world that everyone speaks; the LANGUAGE OF IMAGES.

The language of images is the language children naturally use to communicate. 


Children often don't know exactly what they're feeling, don't have the right vocabulary yet, find it

difficult to talk about certain topics or are not allowed to talk about something.

At times likes this drawing helps them to express their feelings.

They turn their feelings and experiences into images; their drawing.


How valuable would it be if you know what a child is showing you through these images?

 If you understand the language of pictures you will be able to help the child and better respond to their needs.


 'A picture is worth a thousand words!'


Are you a teacher, a pedagogical employee, an educator, a mother, a father,

a grandmother, a grandfather, a nanny, a babysitter, a coach or are you dealing 

with children in your daily life then understanding a drawing will be a valuable tool for you!


  Drawings are talking, they even tell amazing stories!

Now available in ENGLISH

Wist je dat...?!

Did you know...?!


Een hart staat voor 'ik vind je lief' maar kan ook staan voor 'aardig gevonden worden, erbij willen horen' in tijden van verandering.


Kinderen tekenen kruizen wanneer ze een situatie ontgroeien, zich verder willen ontwikkelen. Ze ontdekken dat er meer is in de wereld en komen op een kruispunt en beseffen dat ze keuzes kunnen maken. 


In de jonge kinderjaren wordt  de zon overal op het papier getekend, pas later verplaatst de zon zich naar de bovenkant van het papier. Het kind is zich bewust van de buitenwereld en heeft zijn plek gevonden. 


Het dak van een huis staat voor de verhouding tussen vader-moeder-kind. Hoe het kind het dak tekent kan je inzicht geven in deze onderlinge relaties.


A heart stands for 'I like you' and 'I love you'. A heart can also be drawn in times of change (new school year, divorce) and symbolized the wish to 'be liked' or 'wanting to belong to a certain group or person'.


Children draw crosses when they outgrow a situation and want to develop further. They discover that there is more to the world and come to a crossroads and realize that they can make choices.

It can also symbolize frustration and rebellion.


In the early childhood years the sun can be drawn everywhere on the piece of paper. Around the age of 4-5 years the sun will be placed on top of the paper. The child is now conscious of the outer world and has found its place.


A house symbolizes the childs inner world and family situation. The roof (the triangle) of the house symbolizes the relationship between father, mother and the child. The way the roof has been drawn can give you enormous insight in the mutual relationship.



I love giving workshops for schools, daycare centers, nanny agencies, groups of parents, community centers, etc. Are you also curious about what a drawing can tell you...?




All workshops can take place on location but also online via Zoom.

At your home in the living room, at school, or at another location; everything is possible!


Send me an email and we'll discuss the possibilities.

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The wonderful world behind a child’s drawing:
"I spy, I spy with my little eye what you’re going to see!"

From the moment a child can hold a pencil, the various developmental stages are visible in a drawing. The ME-phase, the NO-phase (toddler puberty), and the separation from parents can be seen in drawings of children aged 0-5 years.


As children get older, they also start drawing many symbols like hearts and rainbows; I will explain their meanings to you. You will also get tips & tricks about materials.


From around the age of three, children start drawing "tadpoles" – a circle with details and arms and legs. As the child continues to develop, the tadpole becomes more detailed. From around the age of five, the tadpoles turn into 'real' people in narrative drawings. Did you know that a child's drawing can provide a lot of valuable information if you know what to look for?


At the beginning of the school year, and sometimes even every month or quarter, children are often asked to make a self-portrait. How does the child feel? Does it easily make contact with others? Are there things the child finds difficult or dreads? Is the child sensitive to stimuli, does it dare to take up space, can it develop in a pleasant way?


This combined workshop consists of:

  • An introduction to the world of visual language

  • What we look at when observing drawings

  • Why do children draw?

  • All forms from the developmental stages of young children will be covered

  • Many example drawings

  • Commonly drawn symbols

  • The body and the meaning of different elements

  • Tips & Tricks

  • Material tips

  • ​

Duration: 2 - 2.5 hours

Suitable for both lower and upper elementary levels due to the combination



Combi: "Krassend de wereld in" & dit-ben-ik tekeningen

Vanaf het moment dat een kind in staat is om een potlood vast te houden zijn de verschillende ontwikkelingsfasen zichtbaar in een tekening. De IK-fase, de NEE-fase (peuterpuberteit) en het loskomen van ouders zijn bijvoorbeeld te zien in tekeningen van 0- 5-jarigen. Naarmate kinderen ouder worden gaan ze ook veel symbolen tekenen zoals hartjes en regenbogen; ik leg je de betekenis hiervan uit. Ook krijg je tips & tricks over materialen.


Vanaf een jaar of drie gaan kinderen koppoters tekenen. Een cirkel met invulling en armen en benen. Hoe verder het kind zichzelf ontwikkelt hoe uitgebreider de koppoter wordt. Vanaf een jaar of vijf worden de koppoters 'echte' mensen in een verhalende tekening. 

Wist je dat een tekening van het kind veel waardevolle informatie kan geven als je weet waar je naar kan kijken? 


Aan het begin van het schooljaar en soms zelfs elke maand of elk kwartaal krijgen kinderen vaak de opdracht om een zelfportret te maken. Hoe voelt het kind zich? Maakt het makkelijk contact met anderen? Zijn er dingen die het kind lastig vindt of ziet het ergens tegenop? Is het kind prikkelgevoelig, durf de ruimte in te nemen, kan hij zich op een prettige manier ontwikkelen?


Deze combi-workshop bestaat uit:

  • De introductie in de wereld van de beeldentaal

  • Waar kijken we naar bij het kijken naar tekeningen

  • Waarom tekenen kinderen?

  • Alle vormen uit de ontwikkelingsfasen van jonge kinderen worden behandeld.

  • Heel veel voorbeeldtekeningen

  • Veel getekende symbolen

  • Het lijf en de betekenis van de verschillende elementen

  • Tips & Tricks

  • Materiaal tips


Duur: 2 - 2,5 uur​

Geschikt voor onderbouw & bovenbouw vanwege de combinatie​​​​


Did you know that the development of children aged 0-5 years can be seen in drawings. This development often runs synchronous with the physical development of the child, such as toilet training, the no phase and separation from mother.


I will teach you more about the most commonly drawn symbols that children often draw and what they could mean. Tips & tricks about using materials.


​I  love fun facts so after a workshop or lecture you go home with a lot of new information and I have shown you the ropes in the visual language.

A selection of the possibilities

The workshops are tailor-made according to your wishes.


The most frequently given workshops are:

"Scratching into the world - I see, I see what you're about to see"


a combination of

'Scratching into the world & this-is-me drawing'


The content may differ and depends on the target group : teachers , parents, pedagogical staff, parent evenings at schools or other interested parties... anything is possible!


The duration of a workshop is 2 - 2.5 hours


'Scratching into the world...' 0-5 years

Get to know the world behind the drawing

In the early childhood years there is no 'story' in the drawing. From the moment a child is able to hold a pencil, until about 5 years old, the different phases of development are visible in a drawing. The ME phase, the NO phase, toddler puberty and letting go of parents can be seen in drawings by 0-5 year olds.

I will take you into this fascinating, wonderful world and teach you through examples that you can look at!


House drawings

How does the child experience himself and his family life?

A house drawing symbolizes the inner world of a child. A house drawing can tell you how the child feels. What is his approach to life and how does he see himself? House drawings can also tell you a lot about the family situation and the mutual relationships within the family. What is the basis like, what makes the child happy or what does he need?


Tree drawings

A tree represents growth and development

Tree drawings represent the child himself; its growth and development.

There are trees in all different shapes and sizes; every child draws their own unique tree because every child has their own story and walks their own path. The way he unconsciously draws the roots, the crown and the trunk tells his unique story. Are you curious about the story the child tells through his drawing?

I teach you what you can discover and what you can discuss.

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This-is-me drawings

A human drawing can tell you more about, among other things, your self-image

At the beginning of the school year and sometimes even every month or quarter, children are often assigned to draw themselves. How does the child feel? Does it make it easy to connect with others? Are there things that the child finds difficult or dreads? Is the child sensitive to stimuli, dare to take up space, can he develop in a pleasant way? I teach you how to look at the drawing and what valuable information the child wants to share with you through his 'this-is-me drawing'!

For whom?



Within childcare you as a pedagogical employee are fully concerned with the well-being of the child and its development. The developmental stages a child goes through are clearly visible in their drawings.


Are you curious about what is going on in the childs mind?



Workshops for the teacher team, a parent's evening or within the training academy for teachers are tailor made. Looking at a drawing in a different way and therefore being able to engage in a conversation provides valuable information.


Are you curious about what the child is trying to tell you with his? drawing?



As an in-depth session, for child-related courses, you give your students an extra tool. They can immediately implement what they have learned during their internship or first job.


Are you curious about what I can teach the students and what interesting homework assignments they receive from me in preparation?



Together with a group

of interested mothers, parents or friends at home at the dining table.

I teach you how to look at a drawing in a slightly different way based on examples (from your own children).

You can decide for yourself what applies to you.



Wie ben ik?

A picture

is worth a

thousand words  

Talking Drawings


Click on the picture for the whole article

(it is in Dutch ;-)

Liel HD 19-11-19.jpg

Click on the picture for the whole article

(it is in Dutch ;-)

This is me!

Liel Prijs-Gerus

LIEL Dit ben ik!-2.png

Why I do what I do


Our son and daughter were born in September 2015 and October 2017. As an entrepreneur I made a conscious choice to be there for my children and to pause my job as a teenager-coach.

When I do something I want to do it for 100% and not 50%.


In addition to being a mother, I occasionally worked as a freelance chef, at various locations. I was able to organize this, in combination with the children, that I felt good about it. However, it started to itch again in 2018; what do I want, what can I do and what just makes me very happy and what is really my passion?


For years I have been working in the personal development area all over the world and met the most amazing people. During these adventures I discovered that living an extraordinary life is something you can not take for granted and you are in your own drivers seat! I learned some life lessons from amazing leaders (Tony Robbins, Kate & Anthony Golle, Loren Lahav, Shore Slocum and Doris Möhsl). One thing they all agree on and live by is: life is too short to not enjoy the make it a masterpiece and do what you are passionate about.


Coincidence does not exist ... I came in contact with the wonderful world of children's drawings. The feeling that this gave me had to be explored, it felt just right; it became my passion. After following a course and than becoming a certified trainer I can officially spread the word! 

Combined with coaching I have the the best "job".


Talking Drawings was born! I would love to introduce you into this special world because drawings really talk to you!

If you know how to understand the language of images, a new world

will open up for you.


Drawings are talking, they even tell amazing stories!

ben ik actief als
Creatief Visueel Regelaar




  • POPtalk coach

  • Nine Star Ki Astrology Coach

  • Children's Drawings Expert

  • Youth coach

  • HEAO Communication Expert

  • NLP Master Coach

  • NLP Master Practitioner

  • Time Line Therapy® Master Practitioner

  • Master Hypnotherapy

De Volkskrant 18 oktober 2023


Floor - Teacher & mother


Floor - Teacher & mother

In one word: WOW! Learned so much in 2 hours, if I had known it all before! Thank you for your infectious enthusiasm!

Louise - Pedagogue & Mother

Tekening Bente 5,3maanden jpg.jpg

Louise - Pedagogue & Mother

I had no idea how my daughter felt about our upcoming move .

Liel gave me a beautiful peek 'inside' my daughters heart.

Daycare center De Regenboog



Daycare center De Regenboog


"It was amazing! Very special to learn that a drawing has so much to tell. I will now look at a drawing with different eyes. 


"What an interesting evening and a great workshop."

For whom?

Big Sister - Childcare at home


Big Sister - Childcare at home

Inspiring workshop that will allow you to look at children's drawings in a different way. It is special that you can extract so much information from a drawing. Useful workshop for anyone who has children or works with children as a professional.

Forte Childcare - Castricum


Forte Childcare - Castricum

"Super educational evening. Highly recommended for everyone."


"Very interesting! Looking at a drawing will never be the same again."


"Super fun and educational training."

Floor - Teacher & mother


Floor - Teacher & mother

This was amazing. That you can fascinate me for 2 hours in the evening is really special. No other online workshop has been so successful yet!

Very interesting! 

Floor - Teacher & mother


Floor - Teacher & mother

In one word: WOW! Learned so much in 2 hours, if I had known it all before! Thank you for your infectious enthusiasm!

Maartje - Coach & mother


Maartje - Coach & mother

How special is the visual language!

The fact that my child gives a peek into his heart by means of a drawing moves me deeply. I really appreciate that I can help him better now.

Floor - Teacher & mother


Floor - Teacher & mother

This was amazing. That you can fascinate me for 2 hours in the evening is really special. No other online workshop has been so successful yet!

Very interesting! 


Hoofdpoort Academie "ik zie nu overal regenbogen, zo leuk dat ik nu weet wat een kind daarmee kan vertellen"

Teddy Kids "Super leuk en interessant cursus over he je een kindertekening analyseert! zo gaaf om dit te leren en te ontdekken!

Kleuterleidster de Boog "Ik weet nu dat ik echt moet kijken en voelen als ik een tekening krijg!"


Send me an email or fill in the
contact form below and I will get back to you
Liel Prijs-Gerus


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